Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm still here!

I haven't posted for a while.

Real life has been busy and stressful. My hours in Second Life are a bit reduced, and split between enjoying time with my SL Friends and planning an All New Blacklist.

It's been 9 months since the birth of Blacklist, Shaitan. We're moving on... but in a good way. We're dismantling parts of the city and putting land up for sale in Shaitan as we prepare to purchase an island.

We've brought back the original builders of Blacklist, Shaitan - we're building scale models of our visions of Blacklist's future. The builders will choose the best aspects from each model, then a new, final scale model will be built for the new island. We've had lots of great ideas, and we're all getting excited about a big, new build for Blacklist. I have no snapshots of the models to post, here. Look for them in Shaitan. As I write this, one model is on the roof of the Blacklist bar, the rest are on the ground in NE Shaitan.

These are exciting times. I wish I could give an ETA on the island build - but I can't. With some luck, we'll have a new home in the next couple of months.




yoshi said...

I think you may have a idea that we are all RATHER excited to see what you all have in store for us!
and guess what Shye?
I actually read your blog !!! hehehe
Yoshi xxxx

Alysa said...

Yea, and a couple of month? No way.. that's way too long!

You will get 4 days once you got it.

Shye Kidd said...

I'm glad you're excited, Yoshi! And, I'm happy that you read my blog. I've discovered yours, and linked to it :)

Alysa: 4days? Hmmm... as one of the builders, you will be busy for four days! ;)