Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Login Failed, and We Care

This post has been brewing for a few weeks, at least.

I spent the day "Ruthed" last Saturday.
Naked, too.

Now, I have no problem being naked. In fact, I'm naked a lot, in SL..
But I like choice.

So, I was Ugly Ruth, and unable to wear any texture clothes... I could only attach prims. For almost the entire day. Finally, I got an answer from Linden Labs support on how to reset my avatar and begin being me again. I am sparing you the pics, by the way.

Sometime around last weekend, I also had a viewer crash. Nothing unusual there... I get a few a week... and another few disconnects. I got an odd message on login, after I waited the requisite 8 minutes for a relog... you can see it above...

I know what an "agent" is... and I know where I was... shouldn't Linden Labs?

Around this time, I got the survey that you see in the other image. I've seen it before... I always answer "Worse". Linden Labs doesn't want to know "why" my experience is getting worse... because I am a Mac user. Their survey dislikes Mac users. But they know that their survey dislikes Mac users. I feel better, knowing they have been hard at work on this bug. For a month. Really... it explains why I couldn't get Shaitan restarted last month. All their technicians were too busy figuring out a web form.

We now return to your regularly scheduled blog....

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