Monday, September 24, 2007

Confused States

We all try to find our way here in Second Life. It seems, there can be struggles here, as in Real Life. The feelings that come about from these struggles are real. The friendships that you struggle to hold onto are real. And the surprising new friends that show up, out of the blue, well... they are real, too.

I see struggles of others here. Those struggles impact me... I care for people, here. It's not love... at least, not for me - not in Real Life. The thing is, life in SL moves so fast... our brains aren't made to adjust so rapidly to changing feelings. When that wall starts to crumble, and the immersion grows, you take on the persona of your avatar. You start to feel the love. And the loss. And the confusion. It takes effort to put both feet firmly in RL, and regain a footing. When you can't seem to make that effort, the help of SL friends can ground you.

You met one of my grounding influences in my previous post. There is another, recently. A special friend of the last few weeks. She's much more than a pleasant diversion. She grounds me... keeps me from floating away, lost in thoughts.

I'm grounded, now. I've identified my demons. They are chained nearby. Just out of reach.

More later.

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