Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Catching up with old friends

I logged in yesterday, and saw my old friend Livie on radar, in Blacklist. I so rarely get to some of my old hangouts, that I sometimes forget about the friends I used to see there. Livie was out of Second Life for a while, and I've not found the time to track her down and tie her up for a chat, recently - though she's been back for a while, now! ^.~

It was nice to chat at Blacklist, for a bit... then we ported to Misp for a quick ride on some quads. It was only an hour... I'll have to work on the tying her down part, if I want more ;)

Since she hates pouncing so much, I found an alternative... which she doesn't seem to mind.

/nuzzle Livie


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